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Selectmen's Minutes August 3, 1999
August 3, 1999 Selectmen Meeting

Posted for 6:30pm in Plymouth at the office of the Plymouth County Commissioners.
Present: Daniel Webster, Chairman; Judith Murdoch, Peter Jones, Catherine Kuchinski, Charles Flynn with Joseph Nugent and State Representative Francis Marini.

Webster called the meeting to order at 7PM within the regular meeting of the Plymouth County Commissioners (Peter Asiaf, Joseph McDonough, and Robert Stone).  Also present Rosalie Roderick and County Attorney McCarthy.

Purpose of this meeting was to further discuss the terms under negotiations for the Plymouth County Hospital site.   After a motion was and unanimously carried by roll call of the Commissioners, Peter Jones made Motion 8/3/99.1 to enter executive session with the Plymouth County Commissioners, their attorney (McCarthy) and State Representative Marini under exception #6 to consider the sale/purchase of real property.  Murdoch seconded motion.  Roll Call vote: Murdoch: favor, Jones: favor; Kuchinski: favor, Webster: favor, Flynn: favor.  Motion carried 5-0 and executive session commenced.

At approximately 8pm, the executive session concluded.  Both Boards went into open session.  The Commissioners dealt with two motions.  Motion One was made by Stone and seconded by Asiaf.  The Commissioners to secure with the terms of the P&S that the maintenance facility be leased for a term of five years with said lease to be renewable at the Commissioners’ option for 20 terms or until the time the County no longer existed.  Stone again made the motion with second by Asiaf.  Motion: to have Commissioner McDonough authorized to sign the Purchase and Sales Agreement with the Town of Hanson as discussed in the executive session.  They roll called voted 3-0.

Webster called for a vote of the Hanson Board of Selectmen.  Motion 8/3/99.2: Move that the Chairman (Webster) be authorized to sign the P&S agreement for the Plymouth County Hospital land with the conditions as outlined in the executive session this evening.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  (Flynn left the executive session at 7:25pm.)

Attorney McCarthy to contact Attorney O’Donnell to work out the language and have the agreement signed this week by the Chairman as authorized this evening.

Motion 8/3/99.3: motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Jones with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.